United Nations documents issued on 12-March-25

Document SymbolTitleDuty StationArabicChineseEnglishFrenchRussianSpanish
A/HRC/WG.6/49/GRD/3 Grenada: Summary reportGeneva A C E F R S  ..
E/C.12/GBR/CO/7 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Concluding observationsGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2025/7 Certificate of admission of vehicles to the transportation of dangerous goodsGeneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
A/HRC/WG.6/49/GNB/2 Guinea-Bissau: Compilation reportGeneva A C E F R S  ..
ECE/TRANS/SC.2/INFO/2025/1 Annotated provisional agenda for the second sessionGeneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2025/8 Requirements of subsections and of ADRGeneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
E/ECE/324/REV.1/ADD.78/REV.4/AMEND.12 Addendum 78 – UN Regulation No. 79 Revision 4 - Amendment 12Geneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
E/ECE/324/REV.1/ADD.78/REV.5/AMEND.6 Addendum 78 – UN Regulation No. 79 Revision 5 - Amendment 6Geneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
ECE/TRANS/WP.15/270/ADD.1 Addendum to the Provisional agenda for the 117th sessionGeneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
CD/PV.1743 Thursday, 13 February 2025 (a.m.)Geneva  ..  .. E  .. R  ..  ..
UNODC/CCPCJ/EG.9/2025/1/ADD.1 Annotated provisional AgendaVienna A C E F R S  ..
CD/PV.1744 Tuesday, 18 February 2025 (a.m.)Geneva  ..  .. E  .. R  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/183 Written statement submitted by Institute for NGO Research, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/225 Written statement submitted by The Institute for Protection of Women's Rights (IPWR), a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/280 Written statement submitted by Tumuku Development and Cultural Union (TACUDU), a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/191 Exposé écrit présenté par Human Rights Research League, organisation non gouvernementale dotée du statut consultatif spécialGeneva  ..  ..  .. F  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/171 Written statement submitted by Stichting Global Human Rights Defence, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/192 Written statement submitted by Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/185 Written statement submitted by International Probono Legal Services Association Limited, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/317 Written statement submitted by Institute for NGO Research, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/175 Written statement submitted by The Association of Citizens Civil Rights Protection "Manshour-e Parseh", a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/176 Written statement submitted by International Committee for the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/15 Provisional agenda for the 8th sessionGeneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/12/ADD.1 Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - Brunei Darussalam - Addendum - View on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewGeneva A C E F R S  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/188 Written statement submitted by Network of Women's Non-governmental Organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/135 Written statement submitted by Réseau Africain pour le Développement, la Gouvernance et les Droits Humains (RADHEG), a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/179 Written statement submitted by European Centre for Law and Justice, The / Centre Europeen pour le droit, les Justice et les droits de l'homme, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/169 Written statement submitted by Stichting Global Human Rights Defence, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..
ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/2025/9 Audit certificate for the year 2024 on the account kept for the invoicing and advance transfer of the money required for the operation of the TIR Executive Board and the TIR secretariatGeneva  ..  .. E F R  ..  ..
A/HRC/58/NGO/236 Written statement submitted by European Centre for Law and Justice, The / Centre Europeen pour le droit, les Justice et les droits de l'homme, a non-governmental organization in special consultative statusGeneva  ..  .. E  ..  ..  ..  ..